2017年6月14日 星期三

Love Doctor

Original letter:
A female age 26-29, anonymous writes:

Hey. I need some help. Although I have moved on from a long term relationship before this and I know it gets Okay with time but I can't seem to get over this situation.
I invested all my feelings in a guy for 4 years just to get cheated.
It took me a long time to move on but eventually after 3 years I started feeling for a friend.
We got very close, confessed our feelings for each other and used to talk everyday.
He refused commitment because he said he is too busy with work. I believed him until I realized his snapchat score goes up by 100 points on a working day?
And he stays online all night?
I understood he was stringing me alone for sex despite knowing how I felt for him.
I texted him while he was online asking him to delete my pics and "carry on".
He understood what I meant but didn't care to respond other than "yeah I'll delete". I didn't even realize when and how I got so attached to him.
I went out of my way for him so many times even though my efforts weren't reciprocated.
I feel so hurt and can't stop crying. He knew how careful I was in these matters and still lied about not talking to any other girl, and the reason for not committing to me.
I want to cut him out of my life but how?
I have this urge to check on his social media. I just want to move on. I'm so sick and tired of the same s^^t happening all the time.

My reply:

I'm so sad what happend to you. well, I think you can leave him, because he dosen't  worth it.When I get chills at night, I feel it deep inside without you, yeah.Know how to satisfy,keeping that tempo right without you, yeah.Pictures in my mind on replay, I'm gonna touch the pain away,I know how to scream my own nameScream my name.I'll take it nice and slow, feeling good on my own without you, yeah.Got me speaking in tongues
, the beautiful, it comes without you, yeah.I'm gonna put my body first, And love me so hard 'til it hurts
, I know how to scream out the words, Scream the words.

Best  regards,